1.A full discussion of the issue would be an article in its own right, and would probably violate a number of confidentiality agreements.
2.In any case, as I said at the outset, a full discussion of memory allocation is beyond the scope of one column.
3.We pledge that there will be full discussion by the Housing Authority and the public before implementation of these measures.
4.With this information already on the table, we can pe right into a full discussion of these techniques in the next paper.
5.A full discussion of the XML schema annotations and the xdbDecompXML set of stored procedures is beyond the scope of this article.
6.However fought for to attain under the full discussion of our group had better, and obtained the result of in the second place.
7.On the issue of the UN reform, broad consensus should be reached on the basis of full discussion and democratic consultations.
8.A full discussion of the implications is beyond the scope of this article.
9.For a full discussion of the authority levels, refer to the DB2 UDB documentation (see Resources).
10.See Appendix G for a full discussion of both color-specification methods.